Our customers are to be found in almost all sectors of industry, including paper industry, power plants, chemical and petrochemical industry. IAF supplies custom specific pressure vessels. We manufacture pressure vessels for each requested specification, e.g. made of special materials or special designs.
Pressure vessel is the term used for all tanks that may be under internal or external pressure. This includes storage tanks, stirring tanks, but also heat exchangers and columns.
Since 2002 pressure vessels with max. permissible operating pressures greater than 0,5 barg are subject to the European pressure equipment directive 97/23/EG. The design and dimensioning of pressure vessels are described in different regulations. The European pressure equipment directive allows complete freedom of choice on the applicable regulation. IAF calculates, designs and fabricates custom-tailored pressure vessels in accordance with the design code rules at the place of installation, e.g. according to AD2000, ASME Code Section VIII, API 510 or ISO11349.